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Dad's Got Kidney Stones...

...which is insensitive of him to say the least. Free lifts to work are completely out of the window for next few weeks, and whilst he struggles through a simple out patient procedure, I've got to get up 45 minutes earlier to catch the bus. That's 5 whole snoozes on a standard alarm clock.

Talking of work, there's been some exciting developments in the past month. I'm now 99% certain that it's Audi who employ me and not Aldi, although the fact both are German still leaves me with that indistinguishable nagging doubt. 

Secondly, as of next week, 'Tommy the weird temp' becomes 'Tommy the permanent' in a new role. It's a radical shake-up, the likes of which haven't been seen on these shores since March 19th 2014. I am of course referring here to Cliff D'Arcy's use of the term 'biggest shake-up' in a headline about budgets and pensions.

It might just be me, but since my meteoric rise through the ranks of the German super power, the good folk of Nottingham have acted much warmer towards me. Just take a look at these lasses waving at me when I was on the bus yesterday. I almost felt rude Instagramming them and not waving back.


In preparation for my job I also got a new hair cut at the weekend. It's a Side Parting - as is the trend these days. The response after three days has literally blown me away. Locals stop as I was walk past them, often nodding and saying 'hair Greatrex', which I know means they think I look great. 

One even made me a plaque for my new desk at work. Unfortunately spelling isn't too hot this north of London and it actually reads 'Herr Greatrex'. Every time I see it though I'm reminded of the blonde haired, blue eyed Aryan who handed it to me and I feel so proud.

Other than that it's been a pretty quiet month in my life. I am glad, however, that lent's coming to an end. This year I plumped for the unconventional taking up of smoking on a full time basis. I have to say I've noticed a drastic decline in my general health, and also find myself with less pocket money for sweets.


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